Monday, May 28, 2007


Ok... So I am less than happy at this moment in time. For one thing I am working on my laptop and laptops are just a great big pain the ass to do any serious amount of typing without that an abundance of typos...mostly coz the keys are too tightly compressed together for a normal man sized hand. Just one more sign the midget/dwarf/faerie species area about to stage a wold revolution in which we normal folk" are gonna end up converted amusement park rides (the parachute drop, the roller coaster through the inside to a real human body yeeehhaaa!, and of course the FREAK GASTROINTESTINAL LOG FLUME!"). But that's not what's got me pissed. I woke at 5 AM this morning with my mind racing with thoughts that needed to be BLOGGED immediately or they would be forever lost to those lost fiend brain cells still remaining from my party days. So I bolt quietly from my bed and head to my laptop and switch on some CNN(CNN AND CSPAN always gets me going if there's no BBC news to watch) down in my living room getting ready to smoke a little and start writing my deep, thought provoking essay which contained (I kid you not!) the answers to each and ever question related to the meaning of life but BLOGGERS new BULLSHIT autosave didn't save my post and wouldn't let me manually save it either so now you will just have to go through life clueless as to what it is all about


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