Saturday, June 09, 2007

Ohhh Poor Poor Paris

Ok... does anyone really gives a rats ass about where Paris Hilton in incarcerated?

I know I don't. Let he stay in her mansion - set up a little pink cell for her sorry ass and feed her prison cell food and make the little spoiled crazy bitch pay for it.

What's the problem here?

I find it kind of funny that tonight on the news how lawyers are trying to prove she has a mental condition... who the fuck doesn't have a mental condition and who the hell can possible have seen her on that awful train wreck of a show and not known the girl is mentally ill?

We've been greatly and sufficiently entertained by your public display of total lack of self control and your talent at raising being a spoiled brat bitch but guess what darling?

Your time is up!

It's been up for a while... you overstayed your Warholian declared 15 minutes of fame now would you kindly GO THE FUCK AWAY AND GET SOME HELP YOU STUPID SPOILED WHORE?

After all... unlike MOST addicts and alcoholics YOU CAN AFFORD TO GET GOOD HELP!

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