Saturday, January 06, 2007

Nice Apocalypse We're Having eh?

Recently I have been hearing a lot of people making comments like "Nice weather we're having" or "it's a beautiful day today" and so on...

It kind of creeps me out. You see I don't live in Florida or Hawaii or Southern California or any of those nice southern places where weather like this might be considered at least somewhat normal. I live in Washington DC. It's not April here. It's January 5th at 1 AM and the weather is in the MID 60's!

Mission control... I think we may have a problem. Something is amiss... Something has gone horrible awry here folks.

This isn't "nice weather" it isn't a "beautiful day" - the truth is it's F**KING FREAKY and if any of the people who say these things had any sense whatsoever they'd be hiding under their beds and praying to whatever GOD they believe in while they wait for it to start raining frogs outside. But nooooooo... instead they revel blindly in the newest signs of the impending environmental disaster that is about to reshape our planet. But hey at least we'll all have great tans for the apocalypse eh?

go here and learn something while you still can

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