Monday, June 18, 2007

Dale Jenkins

I recently came across an album recorded by a friend of mine by the name of Dale Jenkins way back in the early 1980's. Dale was a really nice fellow... tall, kinda geeky, troubled, but most of all a pretty talented musician. He and I had a casual friendship and talked a lot on the phone and hung out once in a while. He was a pretty depressed guy overall though... self conscious about his looks (although I always thought he was kind of sexy). We used to have long late night talks about all the usual teenage stuff... the meaning of life, the horrors of being a teenager and sexuality and so forth. A lot of our talks though were about how unhappy he was and his ultra-conservative religious mother who made him feel (according to him) worthless and evil. Dale did have a drug/alcohol/authority problem (like most teens of his age in that day) which landed him in a special school for troubled but gifted students. Dale was also gay... maybe bi, I don't know. I do know he wanted to date me and for some reason I turned him down repeatedly despite the fact that I was very fond of him. I don't think I was ready to fully admit to my own sexuality and at the time I didn't think he was my type at the time anyway. But we remained good friends throughout school... he would call me late at night and sing me various new songs and snippets of songs he had written. Usually dark and kind of sad but good nonetheless. After school ended we remained friends for a while but as so often happens we drifted apart and rarely spoke. There were a few nights when he called feeling suicidal but I was always able to bring him to his senses. Eventually though we just sort of stopped talking. I had heard he had made an album all on his own... produced by him and all instruments and songs performed and written by him. I was lucky enough to get one of a very limited amount of the records but for some reason never really listened to it. In any case, some time later, I opened the local gay newspaper to discover that sweet Dale was dead... an apparent suicide. I felt heartbroken and somewhat guilty in that I felt that had I been around I could have somehow saved him. Hell - we might have even ended up dating and falling in love. But I (and so many others I suppose) let him slip away. Recently I rediscovered his album in my collection and listened to it for the first time. Besides the fact that the songs are pretty well done I was struck by the pain and sorrow that permeated his lyrics. I wish I had not lost touch with him. He was a talented and nice (albeit troubled) young man who would have gone far in life. I did a search for him on the Internet and couldn't find one single reference to him anywhere which made me very sad. So this is Dale Jenkins' space on the Internet so that he won't ever be completely forgotten. He was a good guy and I miss him. Eventually I hope to present his single known album to anyone interested... in the meantime recognize the ones you love and hold on to them with all your strength. You never know when they will disappear from your life. More importantly, you never know when the loss of that person will hit you hardest... sometimes it's immediate and sometimes it sneaks up on you one day unexpectedly.... and sometimes it stays with you every moment of every day.

The main reason for this post is so that Dale won't be forgotten. I've done searches on the Internet with his name but came up with NO info about him. He deserves (like all people) to be remembered. If anyone out there is familiar with Dale or has any info on him please contact me so I can expand on his life.

I do hope eventually (if legal) to make his music available either here or via trade.


Here's to Dale Jenkins may he rest in peace!

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